Tag Archives: Safety App

A Safety App is a mobile application that enhances personal safety and security. It offers features like emergency alerts, location tracking, and access to emergency services, providing users with peace of mind and quick assistance in times of need.

Implementing Secure Payment Processing for Your Business

secure payment processing is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Ensuring the safety of transactions not only protects your customers but also helps maintain your business's reputation and compliance with regulations. As cyber threats continue to evolve, implementing robust payment security measures is essential

secure payment processing is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Ensuring the safety of transactions not only protects your customers but also helps maintain your business’s reputation and compliance with regulations. As cyber threats continue to evolve, implementing robust payment security measures is essential

Understanding Zero Trust Security Models for Businesses


In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, the Zero Trust Security model has emerged as a critical strategy for businesses aiming to protect their digital assets. Unlike traditional security models that rely heavily on perimeter defences, Zero Trust assumes that threats can come from anywhere, both inside and outside the network.

Smart24x7 Mobile App Associate with Mohali Police


To provide solutions to such challenges faced by the citizens in everyday life, Mohali Police in association with Smart24x7 Response Services Pvt. Gurgaon- Haryana (India). Ltd has launched Smart24x7 Mobile Safety App. Sh. Inder Mohan Singh Bhatti, SSP Mohali, has graced the Launch Event with his presence.